It’s been a couple weeks of learning JavaScript and there have been various terms that always pop up so here is the current list of terms to know when coding in JavaScript.
// Variables: i.e. const, let, var. A range of values
// Const: can’t be reassigned
// Let: can be reassigned but can’t redeclare
// Var: aka Variables. It’s how we store data in memory. Buggy, old and can be redeclared
// Function: Takes action for the definitions in JavaScript
// Instance: Instance of a command is contained in parentheses immediately following the command.
// Method: Command that tells how an object is to be acted upon
// String: Text inside single or double quotes.
//Arrays: Array elements start at 0 and increase by 1.
// Data Types: numbers, strings, booleans, arrays and objects.
// Comparisons: using any of the four equality operators. Best to use with numbers or else it’ll return as a boolean.
// Booleans: stores the value true or false.
//Relational Operators:
//Logical Operators:
// Object: Data structure in JavaScript. Are assigned values (i.e. string, array, functions, or other objects)
// Script: One or more JavaScript commands enclosed with a <script> tag.
// Properties: Used to describe an object. A property is defined by assigning it a value.
// Arrow functions: is a compact alternative to a traditional function expression. Can’t be used all the time.
// Loop: Code performs the same action or actions multiple times.
// Conditional: Allows application to design between one or more actions based if the condition is true.
// Switch Statements: a big if/ else if/ else chain. Checks values against lists of cases.
//If / Else Statements:
//Ternary Operator: Usually a shortcut for the if statement.