Hi, I’m Gaby

2 min readMay 13, 2021

Hello! I am Gaby; a coffee aficionado that loves designing new things each day and have always been a creator. Which has lead me to pursue learning software engineering. While my first career currently is graphic design I have always loved creating new and exciting things. Studying a new field in software engineering I believe will only enhance my knowledge in both fields as they go together when working on projects in the long run.

Why I want to learn about software engineering is mostly because when I was in school for graphic design, our class in coding was extremely brief and I never actually felt I learned anything except maybe how to use a few things but never an in-depth lesson. And currently my knowledge of coding is small with an exception of some HTML and very small amounts of CSS because I had to self teach myself for work. However extensive learning and why things are written the way they are written that way is something I would love to learn. And while I can’t read all the code for those exactly, I know I can do better if I take a few classes. Which lead me down the path of looking up classes and landing on enrolling at Flatiron School. And as much as I love creating work I really wanted to learn how everything works and be able to learn more about software engineering.

However, the next reason for me enrolling is also because due to the pandemic I was also looking at my current career and I knew I could always do more and advance my own future. Currently for work I freelance in graphic design and also have an online stationery business I’ve had for the past six years. Hours are long but I’ve always been able to manage everything I set myself to do. And while I love what I do because I have a flexible work schedule work can be unpredictable; and I believe we all need a tad more stability sometimes.

Once I complete the courses I know I will have the confidence, skills, and the experience to reach the next step in my career and the future. Since creating new work for people to use is what I love to do.

A Few Of My Favorite Things

Blush Pink — Gold — Caramel Macchiatos — Fall Scented Candles — Pens and Art Supplies — Sketchbooks — Watercolors — Fall Weather — Nail Polish — My Dog Cookie — Sunglasses — Cute Purses — Bows — Alex and Ani Bracelets — Cotton Candy Sunsets — Vacations — TV Series — Music

